Who I am—    Most people are shocked to find out I was not always so confident. Raised with strict conservative beliefs, finding my identity was a jagged road. While I’ve often felt abandoned, singing has stayed with me, and music is my foundation. 
Noah, 8, and cast of Extreme Makeover, Home Edition (2006)
Noah, 8, and cast of Extreme Makeover, Home Edition (2006)
Noah and Mandy Moore
Noah and Mandy Moore
Academic background—    Academically, however, my background began with engineering at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. Though I got my B.S. there in 2020, I changed majors to Electronic Media, Arts, and Communication with a focus on fashion branding.
Graduated from Pawling High School
Changed majors to EMAC at RPI
Summer position as ecommerce photographer
Promoted to assistant manager at Abercrombie & Fitch
Graduated from RPI
Launched PYRA Brands
First modeling gig
Released 2 singles
Performed in Mamma Mia!
First art gallery in Albany, NY
Started marketing position at Enhance a Colour
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